It's a regular practice for me to reflect on my handy 5-Year Journal, where each page is designated for each day of the year.
I've gotten in the habit of jotting down what happens each day neutrally - the good, the not so good, the typical event, the extraordinary situation - so that I tame my Enneagram 4 habit of only looking at negative data (to then wonder why things don't ever work out for me).
Main thing I noticed?
How the emotional tone of my daily logs have shifted over time because I changed the colored lens through which I see life.
The accounts became more well-rounded, which then set me up to experience each new day in a much more balanced and grounded way.
If you notice what you notice, what comes up?
These are some go-to themes for each of the nine Enneagram types that "colors" the lens through which we see the world:
Enneagram 1 - integrity, truth, perfection, improvement, good or bad
Enneagram 2 - relationships, being liked/loved or rejected
Enneagram 3 - image, succeeding (and looking good while doing it)
Enneagram 4 - authenticity, creativity, being seen as different/unique
Enneagram 5 - scarcity, limited resources, energy levels, being encroached on by others
Enneagram 6 - safety, security, trust, authority
Enneagram 7 - novelty, freedom, fun, limitlessness
Enneagram 8 - challenge, impact, change, power/strength
Enneagram 9 - harmony, peace, ease
...and each of the 3 instincts:
Self-preservation - order, predictability, planning/prepping
Social - status, image, influence, role, position in a group, inclusion/exclusion
Sexual - being special, intimacy, competition/rivalry, being the "est" person (best, prettiest, closest) or "THE one"